Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Robotic Walking Papers
Robotic Walking Papers Robotic Walking Papers Robotic Walking PapersFor an inanimate object, a piece of paper can pack a big punch. Over its 2,000-year monopoly as a medium for published thought, paper has provided the static catalyst for countless scholarly, social, religious, and political movements. But today, paper is propelling a different kind of movement its own. Engineers are rediscovering the timeless practicality of paper in the fabrication of smart, low-cost robots that walk, scoot, and grasp all by themselves. Experimental paper devices capable of unattended motion are under development in a number of labs, and may someday have legs in commercial applications.As generations of origami artists and paper-plane designers can attest, a sheet of paper can become almost anything the creator wants it to be. Its light, flexible, and cheap. It can be cut, folded, stacked, or rolled into useful 3-D shapes. It can be engineered for extra rigidity, reflectivity, tensile strength, or other desirable properties, in combination with newer 2-D materials such as grapheme.Paper TrailOne such approach by professors Yong-Lai Zhang and Hong-Bo Sun of Jilin University, Changchun, China, could lead to a new category of fully autonomous, solar-powered paper sensors and MEMS devices. Their work exploits single-atom-thick graphene sheets to create paper devices that spring to artificial life in response to humidity changes in the air around them.Graphene has exhibited a series of enticing physical/chemical properties such as high electrical conductivity, transparency, biocompatibility, mechanical flexibility, strength, and good stability, Sun said, distinguishing graphene and related materials as good choices for the development of smart, paper-based machines, for instance, smart actuators.Sun, the director of JUs Center for Ultrafast Optoelectronic Technologies, said his teams bots begin with graphene oxide (GO) paper exposed to UV radiation from sunlight. We recently found that focused sunlight can reduce GO paper to some extent. Therefore, one side of the GO paper can be fully reduced due to the UV radiation-induced photochemical reactions, and the other side can survive as pristine GO. This effect significantly alters the reduced graphene oxide (RGO) surfaces water-repelling capacity. Bilayers of RGO and GO react differently when approached with moisture, for example, an engineers sweaty finger, he said. In response to moisture, the anisotropic water adsorption causes it to curl in seconds. The team has adapted the technology into robots that instantly morph from flat paper strips into inchworm-like crawlers that scoot across a surface, as into mora complex autonomous claws that grasp and release tiny objects.Smart GO/RGO paper may find broad applications in intelligent devices, Sun said. For example, sensors, MEMS, smart textiles, tissue engineering, and even robotics.The laser-cut parts of the robot fold when uniformly heated. Image Harvards Wyss InstituteWhat could be a more natural addition to the paper robotics fold than a device that actually folds itself up? Such a device developed at Harvards Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering captured national headlines last year. The origami-inspired automaton is a useful byproduct of the institutes long-standing effort to develop robotic insects, but it could have a life of its own in applications where robots are sent into environments where people cant go other planets, for instance. Space-confined craft could hold several flattened robots that self-deploy and go about their duties without human aid. To demonstrate that concept, graduate student Samuel Felton used the mathematics of origami to calculate a paper-folding pattern that would produce a self-propelled droid. His device begins as a perfectly flat planar surface with a few protruding electronics on top to provide power and programming. But flipping the switch sends the device into a tightly choreograph ed four-minute metamorphosis of folding that culminates with a colorful, crab-walking quadruped.The self-folding action is courtesy of the substrates unusual composition a sandwich of ordinary paper, a flexible circuit board, and a sheet of contractile pre-stretched polystyrene (PSPS) better known to generations of crafty kids as Shrinky Dinks. Together, the materials form a shape-memory composite multilayer cut to the appropriate shape to facilitate folding. Embedded, heat-responsive hinges placed along the fold lines enable the PSPS layer to bend into the desired position when heated to 100 degrees Celsius, creating rigid folds once cooled. The microprocessor controls the precise heating/folding sequence based on preprogrammed steps determined through computational origami. The result is sturdy 3-D object that scurries into action without any operator intervention. By choosing different shape-memory materials and more elaborate programming, the team said self-folding robots could be engineered for almost any purpose.Paper ViewsThese paper bots are the vanguard of a coming wave of useful devices, microfluidics, and medical diagnostics. Paper meets a number of key engineering and economic criteria for devices that may help developing nations address problems in health care, environmental monitoring, and energy storage. But communication across this multidisciplinary community can be difficult. It doesnt help matters that researchers trying to search the scientific literature using keywords like paper typically end up with a long list of irrelevant citations in which the word appears as a synonym for article.Andrew J. Steckls Nanoelectronics Laboratory (NanoLab) at the University of Cincinnati is working to elevate awareness of paper-based technologies and to help codify the literature of this embryonic field. A graduate-level electrical and computer engineering course dubbed the Paper Laboratory takes advantage of papers versatility and low cost to expose stu dents to translational engineering. Students must conceive, design, and build a novel working paper-based machine in one term. Steckl grants them unlimited creative license but strictly enforces his end-of-term deadline and a $50 development budget per project. The 2014 Paper Laboratory cohort developed paper-based technologies ranging from a flexible audio speaker to an oil detector to a smart diaper for biometric diagnostics.One Paper Laboratory student took a different, and much-needed, approach to the problem of literature searching. That project, the Digital Paper Library, produced an extensive database of published work in all facets of paper-based electronics, which Steckl envisions as the basis of a public Web resource available to other groups in the field.As cost becomes an increasingly important factor in device production and distribution, low-cost recyclable materials such as paper are bound to play a key role, according to Jason P. Rolland, senior director of research for technology non-profit Diagnostics for All and Hewlett-Packard RD engineer Devin A. Mourey. Co-editing an entire special issue of the MRS Bulletin focused on paper-based technologies, they describe a field rapidly moving from proof-of-concept to real-world impact. Despite the prevalence of paper, this field is arguably still in its infancy. If devices are designed using low cost as a first principle, a tremendous global impact is possible leading simultaneously to both larger market potential for product and higher quality of life in developing nations.Michael MacRae is an independent writer. For Further Discussion These paper bots are the vanguard of a coming wave of useful devices, microfluidics, and medical diagnostics.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Living On or Off Base for Single US Military Members
Living On or Off Base for Single US Military MembersLiving On or Off Base for Single US Military MembersSingle military members will most likely be spending the first few years of their military career living in the barracks, dormitories, or onboard ship depending on your branch of tafelgeschirr. Living off base at military expense (receiving housing allowance) may bedrngnis occur until you make E-4,E-5, or even E-6 in some branches and military bases. This all depends on the occupancy rate of that particular base. Here is the service branch breakdown of the basic policy of living on or off base while single Army policy allows E-6 (some bases E-5) and above who are still single to live off base at government expense.Air Force policy allows E-4s and above who are single with 3 years of service to reside off-base at government expense.Navy policy allows E-5 and above and E-4s with more than four years of service who are still single to reside off base and receive a housing allowance.Ma rine Corps allow E-6s and above who are single to live off base at government expense. Depending on the base, E-4s and E-5s will be allowed to live off base at government expense. In the Army and Marine Corps single lower ranking members will live in the barracks. In the Air Force they live in the dormitories, and in the Navy - depending upon the command will either live in the barracks or on ship. However, the rent (and utilities, etc.) will have to come out of their base pay. In these type of situations, lower enlisted wont receive a housing allowance, nor, in such cases, will you receive a food allowance (you will still get free meals, in the chow hall, however). The choices are not easy. Living in the barracks/dormitories means that you (depending on base and service branch), will have to share your room (about the size of a large bedroom in a family home), with one, two, or even three roommates - sometimes in an open bay of many people depending upon the berthing situation. So metimes the bathroom is a for large groups located down the hall, not in your room. Many young troops decide to trade new car payments to live off base with roommates in their own apartment. For a young military member off-base is the place to be, even if they have to pay for it. Other than training bases (such as basic training and job training), and deployment locations, such as Iraq and Afghanistan (where you are not allowed to move off-base anyway), all of the services (except the Marine Corps) are striving to give all juniorinin enlisted members a room to themselves (Note The Marine Corps goal is to give all junior enlisted Marines a room with just one roommate, and all NCOs a room to themselves). Today, all Air Force junior enlisted enjoy a single room at most bases, and the Army is just a little behind the Air Force. The Navy can pretty much guarantee a single room for junior enlisted assigned to shore duty, and they are working hard to give rooms to junior enlisted assigned to ships (when the ship is in port). Theyre not quite there yet, but they are working hard on it. Many bases (in all the branches) are converting to more modern dormitories, which include two to four bedrooms (one service member assigned to each bedroom with a private bath), with a shared living room and kitchen. Some locations even allow enlisted members to move into on-base family housing, if there are spare houses available, after offering them to all the members living with dependents. For example, two single members would live in one two-bedroom on-base house. As you make more rank, you can usually choose to move out of the dormitories and off-base at government expense. In this case, you would then receive the above-mentioned housing allowance and monthly food allowance (however, you can no longer eat for free in the chow hall youll have to pay for any meals consumed there). It varies from service-to-service and base-to-base, but in general, you can expect to be allowed to m ove off base and get paid for it, when you make the pay grade of E-4 (over 4 years of service), or E-5. Typical housing allowances will cover all or a majority of the rent for members qualified for it. At most bases, junior officers are given a choice of living on-base, or off-base at government expense. Some bases dont even have on-base single junior officer quarters. At a few bases, they may be required to live on-base. Generally, on-base single officer quarters are pretty nice (sometimes they are like small apartments), and officers dont generally have to have a roommate. If a single member is authorized to live off-base at government expense, they retain that authority, even if they deploy to a combat zone, such as Iraq or Afghanistan. However, the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act allows a military member to break a lease, without penalty, if they deploy for 90 days or more. Many single members terminate their leases in such cases, put their property in a storage shed, and pocke t their housing allowance during a deployment (this is completely legal). The disadvantage is that youre going to have to run around and find another place to rent when you return from deployment.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Job-Search Tips to Overcome Age Discrimination
Job-Search Tips to Overcome Age DiscriminationJob-Search Tips to Overcome Age Discrimination6 Ways You Can Overcome Age Discrimination During the Job SearchDont let your age hold your job search back. Employ these strategies to make your search smoother.Getting older is hard enough on a personal level, but when you are faced with a career change, layoff, or other upset to your professional life, age can seem like the greatest obstacle to your success. However, dont despair, there are plenty of reasons why a candidate over 40 is a great choice for a position. Here are some strategies to help you combat ageism during your next job search.Stay relevant and currentThis is one of the biggest challenges older job candidates will face when overcoming age discrimination. While you have the experience and qualifications for the role, sometimes recruiters see you as stuck in a rut or clinging to old ways. Fortunately, this is an easy fix. Through ongoing professional development or training, e specially in technology, you will be able to overcome ageism by demonstrating that you are flexible and able to combine both currencies with experience.Lets say an employer is reviewing two resumes. The first candidate has more than 15 years of experience but isnt comfortable using the latest technology in the field. The second candidate only has five years of experience but has been able to produce measurable results in his current role using this new technology. Whats more important to the employer right now? Obviously, it depends on the industry, but fruchtwein of the time, its going to be the person who is keeping a pulse on the trends in his field and is comfortable leveraging them in his role.Streamline and upgrade your resumeWhile your experiences are likely impressive, the reality is that when your resume lists experience from 1984, you are dating yourself. Imagine that resume landing on the desk of a 30-something recruiter. Although many hiring managers and professionals ar e able to get past inherent biases, there is still a prevalent fear that older candidates will not work well for people who are younger than them. At the very least, let this become a concern once youre in the office for the interview. The general rule is to limit your employment history to the past 15 years. There are some exceptions, of courseforinstance, if you are transitioning back to a field you worked in more than 15 years ago or you have a significant accomplishment with an industry-leading company outside that timeframe. For the most part, though, the skills and achievements that are beyond the 15-year window should be left off your resume.Be ready to respond to interview questions about your ageYes, its illegal to discriminate based on age, and yes, employers are not supposed to ask about your age. However, they often do in subtle ways. A popular question, somewhat noted in the belastung point, is How do you feel about working for a manager who is younger than you? Of cour se, you probably already have at some point, so preparing yourself for these kinds of questions (and you may find them impertinent, but if asked, its still best to be prepared) is another tool for your job search.Flexibility is keyIt is very hard to start over, and even harder when you have worked for 10-20 years in the same position or in senior-level roles. However, thats not always going to be possible and you may have to start in a lower level position or take a pay cut. Its scary and that may not be feasible for you, but knowing your limits and being flexible is going to be an asset during this time. You dont want to undersell yourself, but many employers view candidates with extensive experience as being too expensive. If asked about salary requirements, give a range that may mean less than you were making. Demonstrate in an interview that you are willing to adapt to a new role and that you are ready to start over with enthusiasm.Dont get bitterThis is a tough one because you may see that finding a job after 40 is harder than it was at 25 or even 35. Still, there are jobs out there. Plenty of hiring managers and recruiters are older than you. If you are relevant and offer something fresh, you will find work again, but find ways to stay positive through it all. Maybe volunteering or taking classes, which helps with maintaining your relevance, can take your mind off the search. It is also a chance to network. Positivity is key for any age candidateReach out to your professional networkIn fact, as an older job seeker, you have an advantage in this area. You likely have a deeper professional network than someone just getting started. Use your resourcesNo one will tell you that searching for work after 40 is easy, but it doesnt have to be horrible, either. You have a great deal to offer show that off to employersReady to write the next chapter of your career? Hire a TopResume writer todayRecommended Reading10 Powerful Changes for Your Senior-Level ResumeTopI nterviewHow to Combat Ageism During a Job InterviewHow to Modernize Your Resume for Todays Job Search
Monday, December 16, 2019
Working from Home Boosts Productivity and Satisfaction, Survey Indicates
Working from Home Boosts Productivity and Satisfaction, Survey IndicatesWorking from Home Boosts Productivity and Satisfaction, Survey IndicatesWorking from home may make you mora satisfied and boost your productivity according to a new study by Porch. The survey included responses from 1,001 people who either work in an office, work remotely, or split their time between an office and home (split workers) and explored such topics as job satisfaction, work-location benefits, productivity and distractions, and downsides of remote working.Interestingly, employees who work from home are mora satisfied with their jobs overall than those who work in an office by more than 8 percent. (Satisfaction between remote and split employees only differed by .7 percent.) Remote workers also reported greater satisfaction with their job opportunities and compensation than office workers and split workers. While you may think that remote workers would have the highest satisfaction in terms of work/life, it seems that split workers come out on top, reporting 78.3 percent satisfaction with work/life balance versus remote workers at 77 percent and office workers at 72 percent. Split workers also indicated the greatest satisfaction with their family life, while remote workers reported the lowest satisfaction. And when it comes to feeling valued by the higher ups, split workers and remote workers felt significantly more valued- 65 percent and 61.5 percent respectively- than office workers, only 51.4 percent of whom felt valued.Unsurprisingly, remote workers felt the most disconnected from their coworkers. And more than half of remote workers felt lonely during the work day. The top five aspects of office work that remote employers miss the most according to the survey are1. Being around other people2. Office camaraderie3. Free coffee4. Office parties or social events, and5. Growth opportunitiesOf course, remote employees also noted a variety of benefits from working at home, including, 1. No commute2. Flexible schedule3. Being home with kids or pets4. Less supervision, and5. Fewer interruptions.An added bonus is that remote workers from this survey reported greater productivity working from home, with 7 more minutes of productive time a day than office workers and 11 more minutes of productive time a day than split workers. Remote workers also reported greater efficiency, logging fewer minutes on the clock than their office- and split-worker counterparts but still achieving more productive time.When asked to compare productivity at the office versus at home, split workers gave a slighter edge to remote working, with 37.4 percent saying they are more productive at home and 33.6 percent indicating they are more productive at the office. Down the middle, 29 percent of split workers responded that they are equally productive at home and at the office.Whether its a productivity boost, job satisfaction, greater flexibility, or an enhanced feeling of worth, working from home- at least part time- may offer a range of benefits. And the convenience factor cant be beat.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
2017 Retirement Tips from a Close Friend
2017 Retirement Tips from a Close Friend2017 Retirement Tips from a Close Friend2017 Retirement Tips from a Close FriendIn 1996, I met Faith Skordinski, Ed.D., right after I published the first edition of the Federal Resume Guidebook. Vice President Gore had just eliminated the SF-171 with his Reinvention Government Movement. He said, the government should accept a resume, like the rest of the world. Faith was a training coordinator for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and she invited me to teach Federal Resume Writing about once amonth for a whole year to meet employees demands. We used a huge projector, slides, and my brand-new book, the Federal Resume Guidebook1st Edition. These classes were the beginning of our federal resume writing workshops in government, and Faith was the visionary who rolled them out for HHS Headquarters employees and subsequently otherbei Operating Divisions throughout HHS.Since 1996, Faith and I have remained friends and colleagues in the federal careers and training world. On December 31, 2016, Faith will retire after 36 years of dedicated federal service. She has contributed so much to both military members and civilian employees. On the military side, she served five years as an officer in the United States Air Force and later as a career counselor at Andrews Air Force Base Family Support Center. On the civilian side, she was hired by HHS to coordinate the Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program and then later assumed the position of career services coordinator in HHSs Employee Assistance Program. Faith also accepted a career development specialist position in HHSs Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and her last 12 years have been with the Food and Drug Administration as a management analyst focusing upon training and curriculum development, special programs, and communications.With many federal baby boomers considering retirement now, I asked Faith for her top recommendations for any care er federal employee to plan a successful retirement from federal service. Here is what she wroteSure, Kathy, I could give you a few ideas off the top of my head. Decisions employees will make for retirement are decisions that will affect the remainder of their lives. Therefore, they need to give retirement planning top priority throughout the year. For those planning a 2017 retirement, a few suggestions follow.Early in 2017, very important to attend a retirement seminar to be placed on the right track to ensure informed decisions and smart choices regarding all aspects of retirement, many of which require time-sensitive attention.Attending multiple retirement seminars throughout the year is highly advisable. For starters, an outstanding free one-day intra-government seminar offered nationwide is ProFeds at http//fedimpact.com/learn-more/.Meet with a certified financial planner, one who is intimately familiar with all aspects of federal government retirement idiosyncrasies, Thrift Sa vings Plan management, and spousal benefits. Serving Those Who Serve securities available through Raymond James Financial Services offers experienced, high-quality services to federal employees preparing for retirement. Their website is myfederalretirement.com/public/1365.cfm.Meet with a reputable CPA for pre-retirement advice.Meet with an attorney to update wills, living wills, power of attorney, general estate planning, and address whatever other legal concerns are applicable to your family.Meet with your HR specialist for guidance on the sea of forms to be completed and find out your agencys timeline to receive your completed package of retirement forms. The forms are extensive and lengthy and require time and careful thought, so do not procrastinate. Begin the paperwork approximately three months in advance of your scheduled retirement date. Most forms are available online. The forms in this table are among the ones to be completed and/or updated, specified by retirement plan Ci vil Service Retirement System (CSRS) or Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS).No cross-offs are permitted on any retirement forms. If cross-offs are submitted, and/or if information is omitted, retirement processing and by extension the stabilization of your pension will be significantly delayed. You will be required to re-submit whatever form is in question, while OPM stamps your retirement application package as incomplete and places it on the bottom of their backlog.If you decide to draw Social Security upon retirement, you are permitted to apply for it three months prior to retirement. Become familiar withssa.gov.Ask for help when needed, always being careful to seek guidance from properly credentialed persons as opposed to co-workers chatting around the proverbial water-cooler. Everyones situations and needs differ and receiving accurately tailored information to make informed decisions is vital. If assistance is needed with required forms- many of which are steeped in HR jargon and not automatically intuitive- a helpful company, Federal TransFERS at federaltransfers.com, is available to serve you for a reasonable service fee. A seasoned Federal TransFERS counselor will insure all jargon is correctly interpreted, completed forms are proofread, good to go without errors, and good to go without inadvertently omitted information.All FERS employees should plan their retirement dates for the last day of a month- not necessarily the end of a pay period. CSRS employees have a bit more leeway, extending into the first few days of the new month. Be sure to obtain qualified guidance on how to select your all-important retirement date, which will directly impact your pay.Run the numbers and resolve unique situations (e.g. Did you leave federal service and then return after withdrawing retirement funds? Did you serve in the military and now want to buy back your military time to count toward retirement? Is your TSP set up to your best advantage in retirement?). If questions or concerns arise relative to any facets of your career and their potential impact upon retirement, research the appropriate sources and seek clarification until you understand the answers and the reasoning behind the answers.If your agency has a pre-retirement untersttzungsangebot group, join it- a great resource These groups offer valuable information relevant to all pre-retirees from leisure ideas, to finding new careers, to volunteer possibilities, to impact upon your family, to finances, and so much more.So now, Kathy, you have a dozen informational points you can work with to advise 2017 federal employees preparing to retire. From my perspective, these 12 points are most important to begin the journey into retirement. Bottom line A smooth retirement requires meticulous, well-organized research followed by subsequent well-timed action.For my personal post-retirement plans, traveling and cruising are first and foremost on my agenda. Immediate trips planned include t he Southern Caribbean, Arizona, and Colorado, as well as random trips to points of interest located closer to my home. Scandinavia, the Greek Isles, Alaska, and Hawaii are next in my queue, but I am open to all possibilities. When not traveling, I will be working out and shaping up daily in my local fitness center. Volunteering with my affiliated political party, indulging in hobbies, relaxing with family and friends, and simply enjoying hearth and home round off my personal vision of a good retirement life.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The New Angle On Google Doc Resume Just Released
The New Angle On Google Doc Resume Just Released The Nuiances of Google Doc Resume Travel budget Sometimes even employing a template is an intimidating practice. Based on yur industry or whether youre an academic, you might actually have to use a CV template. A template also simply can help you conserve time. Developing a newsletter template all on your own is time consuming. The Good, the Bad and Google Doc Resume This website offers 332 resume templates youll be able to download, customize, and print free of charge. Resumunks resume templates consist of free resume layouts in addition to 17 premium templates out there for a yearly subscription of $19. You will shortly observe that some resume templates are locked until you find yourself with a pro version for a minimum of three months. You will certainly locate the Google Spreadsheet templates you are searching for. Ultimately, a good deal of zugnglich resume templates is simply editable in programs like MS Word, Illustrat or, or PhotoShop. Read More, here are several resume templates that it is easy to adjust to meet your requirements. These absolutely free infographic resume templates can provide help. To begin with, the majority of these resume templates arent any goodthe layout becomes messed up once you get started making your edits. The freebie was made by Mats-Peter Forss. This template is free to download and youre permitted to utilize it for any varieties of personal or business projects. It is free to use for any types of personal or commercial projects. That means you ought to use a tried-and-true template to make it simpler. Using Google Doc Resume For instance, you may decide to left-align essential dates on your resume by including a left tab stop, which means that your dates are wholly aligned with one another. Due to its usage of multiple columns, this ones a terrific option if youd love to try to fit as many facts into one page as possible. The option of templates isnt restri cted by the typical ones which you see when you make a new file. Follow the URL to locate a multitude of resume examples in a wide sortiment of fashions. Sign in in case you experience an account. All you have to do is add your details. Just scroll down until you discover a section named Resumes or CVs, based on where you are. If you wish to add your own section, whether for Certifications or Projects or another category thats pertinent to the work description, dont hesitate to pop it in. Revision History The Google Docs Revision History feature is helpful for job seekers because it enables you to observe any prior changes which were made to your Google Docs resume. Lets look at a mixture of free Google Docs and Microsoft Word templates. Google Docs letter templates supply you with a coordinated look to coincide with the manner of your resume. Scroll down to find a gallery of the finest Google Docs resume templates readily available online. The freebie has word Docx and P df documents so it is easy to edit it to your requirements. While in addition, there are templates for Google Docs available, theres no greater feeling than creating something from scratch and all on your own. All prior versions, for instance, present edition, will nonetheless be available. Google Doc Resume Features When trying to find a template by any important word, you should click the Go button beside the area, as the usual Enter key wont get the job done. Click the template you need to use, and itll open in a new window. Together with its basic look, the template provides you the sections you should include with subtle prompts to provide help. Take a look at our collection of contemporary templates and begin creating an effective resume promptly. Choosing Google Doc Resume Is Simple Resume creators make it possible for jobseekers to make and download their finished resumes directly from the web to get started applying straight away. Because it is linked to the serv ice, your profile will permit you to use the exact same information for other resume templates. There are several colorful templates for both, personal and company usage. Be certain to personalize your document by means of your career info. Simple marketing You dont need to obtain generic small business cards from a huge organization to have beautiful small business cards. Also, though you should always create a special and customized resume for every single organization you apply to, should you plan to send the exact one to do different businesses, make certain you still create two individual docs. More than a few companies have created add-ons that it is possible to download with resume or CV templates, usually free of charge. Several firms are now conducting their job searches on the internet to save costs. The Tried and True Method for Google Doc Resume in Step by Step Detail Its an issue of fact, the variety of applicants employing creative resume templates is increasin g drastically. If you are working to get a huge selection of absolutely different docs templates, youre going to be content to get this add-on at hand. The clean and easy design can help you to demonstrate your skills, portfolio items in an important way. This minimalistic resume template can help you to receive your dream job today.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Top 10 Tips On How Not To Get Fat At Work
Top 10 Tips On How Not To Get Fat At Work Top 10 Tips On How Not To Get Fat At WorkPosted October 13, 2011, by Josie Chun For most of us who work in office jobs, staying fit and healthy when yure sitting at your desk all day can be a bit of a challenge, and the extra kilos can start to creep on. You know you have to start worrying when your backside starts resembling the shape of your chair seat. Research has shown that the longer we spend sitting, the greater our chances of dying prematurely from heart disease and other causes and thats even if we exercise regularly. Its bad enough that many of us spend most of our days sitting at our computers, talking on the phone or sitting around in meetings but many of us then go home and sit in front of the TV for hours at a time. We all know what were supposed to do eat plenty of fruit and vegies, exercise, dont eat sugary and fatty foods. But as you sit at your desk feeling bored and peckish, the bickie tin and muffin tray can act like a s iren call, and going to the gym after work can be the last thing you feel like after a long, tiring day. But this is your health were talking about, and its worth making the effort. Its all about developing healthy habits and you might find yourself looking and feeling so much better that you dont even miss your donut-munching, couch potato ways. Here are a few tips to get you started 1. Eat a good breakfast Kickstart your day with a nutritious, filling breakfast that will carry you through to lunch. Many popular cereals are loaded with sugar so try unsweetened muesli with yoghurt and honey, oatmeal, or wholemeal toast with eggs or beans the extra protein will keep hunger at bay and keep your energy levels steady. Whatever you do, avoid the coffee-and-danish after the initial hit your sugar levels will plummet and youll be gnawing on your obere extremitt by mid-morning. 2. Get off your chair You dont have to be an avid gym junkie to get exercise any incidental movement throughou t the day helps. Its all about muscle contraction anything goes as long as youre not just sitting in your chair. That means you should get up and walk around regularly, even if its just for a stretch and a jaunt down the hallway. Walk over to your colleagues desk rather than sending an email, and take the stairs rather than the lift, even if its just for a floor or two. Some workplaces are even introducing height-adjustable desks so people can stand while theyre working, which could become a common workplace practice in the future. 3. Make healthy lunch choices There are many healthy lunch choices available at most delis and cafes, from sushi to salad and wholegrain sandwiches. Be sure to include some protein in your lunch, as this will fill you up more. Even better, make your own lunchat work or bring it in. Leftovers from the
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
IMECE 2015 to Feature Three Conference-Wide Plenary Sessions
IMECE 2015 to Feature Three Conference-Wide Plenary Sessions IMECE 2015 to Feature Three Conference-Wide Plenary Sessions IMECE 2015 to Feature Three Conference-Wide Plenary Sessions Subhendu Ghosh The ASME 2015 grenzberschreitend Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) this November will encompass a variety of special events, including three Conference-Wide Plenary Sessions that are sure to be of interest to all IMECE attendees. This years IMECE will take place from Nov. 13 to 19 at the Hilton Americas Hotel and the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. The first Conference-Wide Plenary, to be presented on Tuesday, Nov. 17 from 830 a.m. to 1000 a.m., will feature Subhendu Ghosh, executive vice president of global engineering and design for TATA Technologies Ltd. Ghosh has more than 30 years of experience in the automotive original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and engineering service delivery industry. He joined TATA Motors Ltd. (then TELCO) as a graduate engineer trainee in 1981. Sixteen years later, he moved to TATA Technologies Ltd., where he has been involved in delivering engineering and design services to customers worldwide and has helped develop the companys innovative Global Engagement Model (GEM) delivery methodology. Hai Wang The following day, Hai Wang, Ph.D., professor of mechanical engineering at Stanford University, will present the second plenary session. Dr. Wangs research interests are in renewable energy conversion, catalysis and combustion. His current research focuses on theories and applications of nanoparticles and nanostructures for rechargeable batteries and supercapacitors, combustion simulations, and nanocatalysis. Wang is the author and coauthor of numerous papers for such publications as Combustion and Flame, Physical Review Letters, and Science magazine, and is the co-editor of Combustion Generated Fine Carbonaceous Particles. He is currently a member of the Frontiers in Energy and Proceedings of the Combustion Institute editorial boards and a former member of the editorial board for the International Journal of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion and Flame. Wangs presentation will take place from 830 a.m. to 1000 a.m. John Elbon The third Congress-Wide Plenary, to be held Thursday, Nov. 19 from 1130 a.m. to 1230 p.m., will be presented by John Elbon, vice president and general manager for Boeing Space Exploration. Elbon oversees the strategic direction of Boeings civil space programs and the support of NASA programs, such as the International Space Station (ISS), Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) program, and the Space Launch System. Elbon had previously served as vice president and program manager for Boeings Commercial Programs, where he managed the companys efforts on NASAs Commercial Crew Space Act. He has also served as Boeings vice president of systems integration for the U.S. Armys Future Combat Systems, and the Boeing program manager for such NASA programs as Con stellation, ISS, and the Checkout, Assembly and Payload Processing Services (CAPPS) contract at Kennedy Space Center. For more information on the Conference-Wide Plenary Sessions and the other activities taking place at ASMEs 2015 IMECE International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, visit www.asmeconferences.org/IMECE2015.
Friday, November 22, 2019
This Cover Letter Trick Can Double Your Interview Requests
This Cover Letter Trick Can Double Your einstellungsgesprch RequestsThis Cover Letter Trick Can Double Your Interview RequestsThis Cover Letter Trick Can Double Your Interview RequestsSometimes a compelling cover letter is all you need to double your interviews.As a volunteer job counselor for Jobindex.dk, the Danish equivalent to Monster, I try to help people who are finding it difficult to get into the Danish job market find work. Recently I worked with a client, lets call herbei Alicia, who had tried everything to find a job but was totenstill coming up empty.Alicia was not a native Dane and hardly spoke the language, so it certainly complicated matters further and limited the jobs she could apply for. Alicia had a profile that would be attractive to quite a few employers and she had received some interview requests however, after more than 100 job applications and she was starting to wear down.A cover letter made the differenceAlicia had quite a good resume that followed the Harv ard style with the following elements A short summary showcasing her main skills and experiences, which changed with every job to closely match the job ad albeit still within reason of what she could actually do for the company.A list of her relevant jobs describing responsibilities in a text string and achievements in bullets.A list of her education highlighting main courses, thesis and any honors she received.A skills and language section.The problem was her cover letter. Even though Alicia edited it so the experience and results would match the job ad, the cover still seemed quite generic. Alicia included a small section stating why she wanted to work for the specific company however, it was not linked to an overall theme and just appeared to be saying nice things about the company. In short, the cover letter was not getting it done.Cover letter tips Start with the painTo try and make a bigger impact on recruiters and hiring managers, we agreed to make a change to the cover lette r similar to what Liz Ryan would ask you to do in a pain letter.For each job application, we started out by describing the challenges (i.e. the pains) of the industry and of the company Alicia was applying for. We then added some company-specific challenges and how Alicia, as a finance professional, could help solve those pains. We then got specific and used 3-5 of the responsibilities from the job ad and linked them with Alicias past results at previous companies.We used statements like I will take charge of your annual reporting or I will drive your budget process and backed each statement up with how Alicia had done this at previous companies to give them credibility.This section made up the bulk of Alicias the cover letter, but it wouldnt have worked as well without the first part. This first part put Alicia in the hiring managers head by demonstrating an understanding and appreciation of his or her problems. We rounded off the cover letter with why Alicia wanted to work for the specific company, again linking it to the pains highlighted at the beginning.The final section simply asked for the interview. Instead of saying Im really looking forward to hearing from you, we said I would very much like to discuss this position further and can be reached at phone number.Immediate resultsUp until we changed Alicias cover letter she applied for 115 jobs, was invited for a respectable 10 interviews (8.7% response rate) and made it to three final interviews. Since we switched cover letter strategies, Alicia has applied for 29 jobs, been invited for six interviews (20.7% response rate) and made it to four final interview rounds. Its very important to note here that we didnt change a thing in her resume, so the results are truly due to a change in the cover letter.I am happy to say that Alicia received two job offers shortly after we tried this new approach and has now been happily working in her dream job for the past five monthsThere are certainly more methods to ge tting a job than job applications, and some would even argue that online job applications can be a waste of time. However, it really depends on the job market, your location and your specific job goals. Following these cover letter tips, leveraging your network, attending networking events and contacting hiring managers and recruiters will only make your job search more effective.Need help with your resume and cover letter? Our TopResume writers can helpRelated Articles
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The History of the Borders Group
The History of the Borders GroupThe History of the Borders GroupThe Borders Group, Inc. was a publicly held bookstore chain that closed its doors in September 2011. After Barnes Noble, it was the second largest bricks-and-mortar US bookstore chain, known for the innovation of creating the first superstore. The groupincluded Borders superstores, Waldenbooks, Borders Express and Borders airport stores.Where many booksellers - even other publicly-held bookstore chains - are closely identified with one owner, the Borders Group came together through corporate acquisitions. Brentanos, Walden and Borders The Borders Group owes its history to several separate chains - Borders, Waldenbooks and Brentanos. Brentanos was the longest-lived of the three bookstore chains that eventually made up the Borders Group. The original Brentanos store was founded in 1853 in New York City, by August Brentano, a newspaperman. The second oldest of the three, Waldenbooks, was founded by Lawrence Hoyt, a rental library entrepreneur. Hoyt opened the first Walden Book Store in 1962 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania he named the bookstore for Henry David Thoreaus Walden. Over the years they were in business, Brentanos and Waldenbooks expanded their establishments into multiple-bookstore chains. In 1984, Kmart purchased Waldenbooks Waldenbooks then purchased Brentanos.Brothers Tom and Louis Borders opened their first bookstore in Ann Arbor in 1971, while they were students at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor continues to be Borders Groups headquarters). The Borders brothers opened additional stores in Michigan, Atlanta, and Indianapolis, and developed a sophisticated system that enabled them to track bookstore sales and inventory. In addition to using it in their bookstores, they sold their Book Inventory Systems (BIS) to other booksellers, as well. In 1985, they opened their first superstore, a large-scale bookstore (with a coffee bar) that was to become the prototype of many that came afterward. In 1988, they hired Robert DiRomualdo, a Harvard MBA with retail experience, to help expand the business. Under his leadership, the Borders bookstore chain grew rapidly in the next four years. Kmart, then Borders IPO In 1992, with the bookstore business booming, Kmart purchased Borders and created the Borders-Walden Group. But book profits proved not to be as robust as anticipated and Kmart was having its retail troubles so, in 1995, they divested themselves of the chain of bookstores, spinning off the Borders Group with an initial public offering. The Borders Group expanded internationally beginning with a store in Singapore 1997, then opening mora than 40 stores in Europe, Asia, and Australia/New Zealand and buying a 35-store chain called, appropriately, Books. Online Bookselling Threatens Borders Business Model As it became clear that online book retailing, begun by Amazon.com, was rapidly and dramatically changing the bookselling business, Borders created the ir online presence. But after their initial e-retail efforts resulted in short-term losses for investors, in what was in retrospecta short-sighted move, Borders scrapped its website. Due to less-than-expected profits overall, some of the booksellers private equity investors agitated about poor decisions and poor management and in 2001 DiRomualdo was replaced as CEO.
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